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museum of decorative Arts and Design

musée des Arts décoratifs
et du Design de Bordeaux
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39 rue Bouffard,
33000 Bordeaux

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La Gambiarra

Objets potentiels, une utopie de designers

from 15.05.2014
to 15.10.2014

“La Gambiarra” is a Brazilian term referring to practical intelligence, essential to solve daily life issues with limited resources. It’s about reinventing objects.

In a complex economic and ecological context, Basile de Gaulle and Romée de La Bigne question the accuracy and legitimacy of adding new objects to those which already exist. They have imagined a various artefacts offering qualities, rather than functions.
Based upon an observation of developing countries, where the lack of manufactured products stimulates creativity, these two young designers design “quality-objects”, questioning our frenetic productivity and the conventional use of the objects that surrounds us. These potential objects – spinning, providing heat, for example – do not serve any particular purpose, but leave room for imagination. They will become “function-objects” through the user’s ability to create. The designers’ role is reversed here : rather than designing objects whose functions grow more complex everyday, they imagine elements, wouldbe objects, likely to adapt to various environments and specific needs.
At a time when the demand for high-tech devices increases, these two designers ask a simple question: should we let instruction manuals to control our lifestyles?

Basile de Gaulle and Romée de la Bigne present a year of research, experimentations, writings, and “open objects”. Offering a new concept of ecology no longer limited to green behavious or recycling, La Gambiarra wishes to openly discuss the consistency and materialism that design generates, and how it resonates with our own daily habits.
La Gambiarra” is their diploma project. They presented it in June 2013, at the Decorative Arts School in Paris, and received the summa cum-laude honor.

Basile de Gaulle and Romée de la Bigne first met in 2010 at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris during a studio on ’Communicative objects’.
Although Basile studied graphic design while Romée studied product design, this meeting sparked an intense collaboration throughout their time at the school. Three years later, they presented their joint graduation project, called La Gambiarra, for which they received an honourable mention with special congratulations from the jury. Since then, the project has been exhibited at the Ministry of Industrial Recovery and is currently being shown at the Bordeaux Design Museum.
Basile and Romée live and work in Paris, along with Basile’s brother Octave de Gaulle, a graduate of the École Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrielle, who also received an honourable mention from the jury for his degree work. Their work involves constantly questioning and re-examining objects, their use and the quality of life that these objects afford us. Their design work ranges from general design to interiors, taking in spatial design and design for the stage.

Opening: Thursday 15 May 2014

Practical information: Opening hours, prices, guided tour


Curators of the exhibition
Basile de Gaulle
Romée de la Bigne

Thank you :

Les Amis du musée des Arts décoratifs et du Design

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