Online podcasts
Every Thursday at 7pm, between October and May, the museum invites the public to come and listen to a talk by a player from the world of decorative arts or design or to attend a presentation on a specific theme linked to the collections.
Find a selection of our Thursdays at the madd in podcast :
Furniture with secrets - Meeting with Isabelle Tamisier-Vetois
Le Palazzo Butera. Interview with Claudio Gulli, art historian
Artistic and commercial exchanges between Portugal and the Far East
The modern garden: between architecture and decorative arts
Meeting with Jérôme Delormas and Fanette Mellier, co-founders of 369 editions
European uses of materials and foodstuffs from elsewhere in the 18th and 19th centuries
Golden bronzes in the 18th and 19th centuries
Camille Jolin, curator of the XVIIth - XIXth century collection at the madd-bordeaux, presents a focus on golden bronzes.
Meeting with the designer Anna Toussaint and the artist Ange Leccia
Meeting with the designer Martine Bedin
Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne (1704-1778), sculptor
Meeting with Cécilie Champy-Vinas, heritage curator of the sculpture department at the Petit Palais, the Paris Museum of Fine Arts.
A.P.M - Ambient Party Machines. Meeting with the designers Roman Weil et Tom Formont.
Interview with Constance Rubini, director of the madd-bordeaux
« Le design au musée »
"Dessin Dessein, un podcast pour discuter du design" by Laure Choquer, research program manager, service design at the Cité du design Saint-Etienne International Design Biennial 2019