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museum of decorative Arts and Design

musée des Arts décoratifs
et du Design de Bordeaux
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39 rue Bouffard,
33000 Bordeaux

The museum is closed but the activity continues. Follow the museum's team during the works.

▲ The madd-bordeaux starts its metamorphosis in 2023▲
During its closure, from 2023 to 2025, the museum offers a rich program in the city and online

More informations

Agroecological farm "The lands of possibilities, Ahalen Lurrak", Odile Fabrègue and Christian Varin, 2020 <br/> &copy; madd-bordeaux
Agroecological farm "The lands of possibilities, Ahalen Lurrak", Odile Fabrègue and Christian Varin, 2020
design, exhibition, families

In the fields

from 14.07.2021
to 12.12.2021

Paysans designers, the off-site exhibition
Exhibition extended until 8 May 2022.

A rich programme of visits to farms and vineyards is also offered in collaboration with the farmers, wine-growers, livestock farmers and market gardeners encountered throughout the region and beyond keen to share their innovative methods.

Programme from September 2021:

Château Cheval Blanc in Saint-Emilion (33)
Agroecological design, a case study in Cheval Blanc
Visits every Sunday from 11 am to 5 pm from 19 September to 12 December 2021

Château Cheval Blanc is exceptionally opening its doors to all visitors to the exhibition, offering them the opportunity to discover the agroecological practices put in place on the estate along an educational trail.
Free admission on presentation of the entrance ticket to the Farmer designers: an art of living exhibition.

  • Guided tour: Saturday 11 September at 2 pm 

Domaine des Étangs in Massignac, Charente
Guided tour of the outdoor works of art and discovery of nature and agriculture at the Estate, followed by a guided tour of the organic permaculture vegetable garden. Lastly, the participants who would like to do so, are free to visit the exhibition "From the ground to the sun" by Tomas Saraceno.
By reservation only on 05 45 61 85 00 or at

  • Visit on Sunday September 19 at 11 am and 3 pm

Domaine des Étangs in Massignac, Charente
Discovery of “Les Jardins Inspirés”, meeting with gardeners and peasants, in Taillan-en-Médoc and graining workshop. Les Jardins Inspirés, Caroline Miquel's activity project supports project leaders in heritage and creative agro-ecology, and the transmission of knowledge and skills by professionals from different fields: market gardening on a small surface, gardening, agroecological activities for all that. that they ensure continuity and balance between natural, agricultural, rural or urban places, activities to raise awareness of eating well, respect and Nature, and the association of artistic and cultural activities with these activities.
Entrance on presentation of the entrance ticket + 10 € / person
By reservation, subject to availability at

  • Guided tour: Saturday 2 October from 2:30 pm to 4pm

Larrous farm run by Félix Noblia in Bergouey-Viellenave, Pyrénées-Atlantiques
He is one of the farmers who are experimenting with new techniques, focused on soil preservation. On its 150 hectares, mostly in meadows, he adopts dynamic rotating grazing, which allows its Angus and Blond d'Aquitaine cows to be fed entirely on grass.
Without reservation

  • Guided tour: Sunday 3rd October from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

Les Jardins Inspirés in Taillan-Médoc, Gironde
Château Guiraud is a pioneer in many areas and uses 100% natural environmental practices. The planting of hedges of various species, the management of the natural grassing of the rows of vines, the establishment of bird nesting boxes and insect hotels partly illustrate our commitment to the preservation of biodiversity and the ecological fight.
By reservation at

Programme in preparation with: 

Château Coutet in Saint-Emilion (33)
Château Guiraud in Sauternes (33)
Château Haut-Bailly in Léognan (33)
Domaine Emile Grelier and La Possiblerie in Lapouyade (33)
Les Jardins Inspirés in Taillan-Médoc (33)
Château L'Evangile in Pomerol (33)
Pauline Air Farm in Lormont (33)
Planté farm run by Séverine and Xavier Noulhianne in Montpezat (47)
Idiartea farm run by Jon Harlouchet in Bussunarits (64)
Xemiania farm in Béguios (64)
Larrous farm run by Félix Noblia in Bergouey-Viellenave (64)
The farm run by Mikel Esclamadon, tea producer in Ustaritz (64)
Yamashita Farm in Chapet (78)

This programme of off-site visits also looks to highlight the construction of a European network of large estates and large farms undergoing an agroecological transition, an initiative championed by the Domaine du Possible University, supported by the Tides Foundation and the Didier and Martine Primat Foundation. The farms and large estates participating in the network grow crops over a minimum of 30 hectares, with a diversity of at least two production workshops with different legal statuses. These farms and estates all share the common principles of having organic farming certification, developing agroecological practices, participating in the food self-sufficiency of their region, setting up in protected ecological areas or areas under regeneration, and promoting a viable lifestyle (ergonomics, economics, inclusion of women and people not from a farming background).

Domaine du Possible in Arles (13)
Domaine des Étangs in Massignac (16)
Le Grand Laval farm run by Sébastien Blache and Elsa Gärtner in Montélier (26)
Domaine de Courances in Courances (91)

For more information: 05 56 10 14 05 /