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Musee des Arts decoratifs et du Design de Bordeaux

musée des Arts décoratifs
et du Design de Bordeaux
nous contacter

39 rue Bouffard,
33000 Bordeaux
vous y rendre

Le musée est fermé mais l'activité continue. Suivez l'équipe du musée pendant les travaux.

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Pendant sa fermeture, le musée propose une riche programmation dans la ville et en ligne.

Plus d'infos

Recherche pour Décorative Arts

À propos de la recherche

Résultats de la recherche

  1. private tour of the exhibition Houselife

    … events are organized by the  Friends of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design . Membership to the  Friends of the …

  2. meeting with Simon Raffy

    … events are organized by the  Friends of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design . Membership to the  Friends of the …

  3. meeting with Marc Saboya

    … events are organized by the  Friends of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design . Membership to the  Friends of the …

  4. Ruedi Baur & Studio Kubik: the graphic identity of Bordeaux Métropole

    … events are organized by the  Friends of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design . Membership to the  Friends of the …

  5. private tour of the exhibition Pleased to meet you d'Andrea Branzi

    … events are organized by the  Friends of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design . Membership to the  Friends of the …

  6. opening of the exhibition Civiliser l'espace, meet with Octave de Gaulle

    … events are organized by the  Friends of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design . Membership to the  Friends of the …

  7. meeting with the graphic designer Franck Tallon

    … events are organized by the  Friends of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design . Membership to the  Friends of the …

  8. meeting with Claude Mettavant around the film Cosmic Voyage

    … events are organized by the  Friends of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design . Membership to the  Friends of the …

  9. ligth on... lamps

    … events are organized by the  Friends of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design . Membership to the  Friends of the …

  10. meeting with the designers of the studio BIG-GAME

    … events are organized by the  Friends of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design . Membership to the  Friends of the …