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museum of decorative Arts and Design

musée des Arts décoratifs
et du Design de Bordeaux
contact us

39 rue Bouffard,
33000 Bordeaux

The museum is closed but the activity continues. Follow the museum's team during the works.

▲ The madd-bordeaux starts its metamorphosis in 2023▲
During its closure, from 2023 to 2025, the museum offers a rich program in the city and online

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  1. Fleurs de lys et bonnet phrygien

    … Jean-Paul Avisseau, 1989 © madd Bordeaux - F. Griffon … 25 cm Binding  Paperback Publisher  Bordeaux : Association des conservateurs des musées …

  2. around the art of the tableware

    … Détail salle à manger © madd Bordeaux - L. Gauthier © madd Bordeaux - L. Gauthier …

  3. Château Haut-Bailly

    … the madd-bordeaux Château … advancing the work of the madd since 2014. Just south of Bordeaux,  Château Haut-Bailly  has reigned over a … Bollinger… Having sponsored the Opéra National de Bordeaux for a number of years,  Château Haut-Bailly …

  4. Rencontre avec Thomas Deshayes

    … Boiseries du salon de Gascq ©madd Bordeaux … livrent un témoignage précieux sur les modes de vie à Bordeaux au XVIIIe siècle, mais aussi sur l’intérêt …

  5. meeting with Jacqueline du Pasquier

    … Portrait de madame Dagoty et ses deux filles (détail), Bordeaux, 1819 © madd Bordeaux

  6. Jasper Morrison au musée

    … Boysson, Jasper Morrison, 2012 © madd Bordeaux - F. Griffon … 978-2-915837-58-2 Publisher  Suresnes : B. Chauveau ; Bordeaux : Musée des arts décoratifs …

  7. The Harvester and the Vintager, two statues of terra-cotta

    … The Harvester and the Vintager © madd Bordeaux - L. Gauthier … Purchase from the City of Bordeaux, 1963 - Inv 63.8.1 and 63.8.2 The …

  8. Rogers Vieillard : Burins, Reliefs, Porcelaines

    … Laurent Tardieu, 1976 © madd Bordeaux - F. Griffon … 24 cm Binding  Paperback Publisher  Bordeaux, Musée des Arts décoratifs …

  9. Mobilier bordelais et parisien

    … Jacqueline du Pasquier, 1997 © madd Bordeaux - F. Griffon … and bourgeois furniture from the 19th century Port and Bordeaux furniture from the 18th and 19th centuries 20th …

  10. The restaurant of the museum

    … ©madd-bordeaux - F. Griffon Café madd … developed with Le Bon Jaja) and craft beers from the best Bordeaux brewers (Azimut and the Butterfly Effect) are to be … we offer a specialty coffee, always in collaboration with Bordeaux roasters (Alchimiste and Café Piha) and also …