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museum of decorative Arts and Design

musée des Arts décoratifs
et du Design de Bordeaux
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39 rue Bouffard,
33000 Bordeaux

The museum is closed but the activity continues. Follow the museum's team during the works.

▲ The madd-bordeaux starts its metamorphosis in 2023▲
During its closure, from 2023 to 2025, the museum offers a rich program in the city and online

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Nanda Vigo, Trigger of the space, Galleria Vinciana, Milan 1974<br/> &copy; Archivio Nanda Vigo
Nanda Vigo, Trigger of the space, Galleria Vinciana, Milan 1974
©Archivio Nanda Vigo
design, exhibition

Nanda Vigo, the inner space

from 07.07.2022
to 08.01.2023

Nanda Vigo, the inner space is an exhibition that introduces the work of the artist through immersive installations. Architecture, art and design are approached as total creative fields. The objective is to see, perceive and feel all the dimensions of Nanda Vigo’s artistic creation. More than a chronological presentation of her career, it is an experience that allows the audience to live the unframed dimension of her work.

Opening : Wednesday 6 July at 7 pm

“I searched for the dematerialization of the object through the creation of false perspectives, in such a way that the space around the viewer identifies with the object itself.” 
Nanda Vigo, 2006

An immersive exhibition
In order to communicate the contemporary, innovative and total value of Nanda Vigo's work, several historic environments and installations, most of which have been demolished, will be reconstructed. Immersed in a sensory experience that invites introspection, visitors will be able to understand the philosophical research that is omnipresent and fundamental to the artist's work. Glass, aluminum, mirrors and neon lights, characteristic materials of her work, echo each other to appeal to our senses and give materiality to Nanda Vigo's philosophical reflection. A series of his iconic objects will thus be presented, the Cronotopo, these geometric sculptures in glass, neon and steel, which fragment the light to the point of disturbing our perception of space.
Since 1959, Nanda Vigo has surpassed the frame and has gone out of the work to touch the spectator: the image becomes an environment where to live, act and react.

Nanda Vigo at the museum of Decorative arts and Design
Presenting the work of Nanda Vigo at the madd-bordeaux, is an opportunity for visitors to immerse themselves in her avant-garde and unique work to grasp its contemporary dimension. Liberated from the limits of representation, Nanda Vigo has built her life and her work around the ideas of liberation and transcendence. Her works, both experimental and immersive, are the testimony of her autonomy of action and thought as an artist convinced that art is a projection that carries within it the shape of the future society.

A woman artist
Nanda Vigo, constantly renewing herself, has produced a considerable work. She has established herself in the predominantly male avant-garde universe, thanks to her strong personality, and has earned the respect of the greatest artists, such as Lucio Fontana, with whom she has collaborated on several occasions. However, despite her remarkable career, and like many other women artists or designers, her work has not yet acquired the recognition it deserves today.

Organized in collaboration with the Archivio Nanda Vigo - founded in Milan by the artist herself in 2013 -, this exhibition, which will be her first monograph in France, is both a tribute to her work and to her figure as an artist woman.

Opening : Wednesday 6 July at 7 pm

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