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museum of decorative Arts and Design

musée des Arts décoratifs
et du Design de Bordeaux
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39 rue Bouffard,
33000 Bordeaux

The museum is closed but the activity continues. Follow the museum's team during the works.

▲ The madd-bordeaux starts its metamorphosis in 2023▲
During its closure, from 2023 to 2025, the museum offers a rich program in the city and online

More informations

Roland Daraspe, maître d'art - orfèvre contemporain, De la feuille à la courbe, Christian Jean dit Cazaux, Jacqueline du Pasquier, Georges Reddé, 2008<br/> &copy;  madd Bordeaux - F. Griffon
Roland Daraspe, maître d'art - orfèvre contemporain, De la feuille à la courbe, Christian Jean dit Cazaux, Jacqueline du Pasquier, Georges Reddé, 2008
© madd Bordeaux - F. Griffon
decorative arts

Roland Daraspe, maître d'art - orfèvre contemporain

De la feuille à la courbe

Languages French
Published 2008
Category Exhibition Catalogue
Topics Gold and silversmithing, Bordeaux, Design, XXth century 

Publication supervisor
Musée des Arts décoratifs

Christian Jean dit Cazaux
Jacqueline du Pasquier
Georges Reddé


Bernadette de Boysson

By S.A.R Princess Diane of France

Four-handed ode
By Coco and Roland Daraspe

Roland Daraspe or tomorrow's dream
By Christian Jean dit Cazaux

Roland Daraspe, master goldsmith from Bordeaux
By Jacqueline du Pasquier

From matter to poem
By George Reddé

Roland Daraspe or the creative part of metal
By Robert Coustet

Introduction to the catalogue
By Geneviève Rapaport and Caroline Fillon

Catalogue of works by Roland Daraspe
By Geneviève Rapaport

Pages 119
Dimensions 31 cm
Binding Paperback
ISBN 978-2-915837-25-4
Publisher Paris : B. Chauveau

Available for consultation

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