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museum of decorative Arts and Design

musée des Arts décoratifs
et du Design de Bordeaux
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39 rue Bouffard,
33000 Bordeaux

The museum is closed but the activity continues. Follow the museum's team during the works.

▲ The madd-bordeaux starts its metamorphosis in 2023▲
During its closure, from 2023 to 2025, the museum offers a rich program in the city and online

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Napoléon et Eugénie reçoivent à Fontainebleau, L'art de vivre sous le Second Empire, 2011<br/> &copy;  madd Bordeaux - F. Griffon
Napoléon et Eugénie reçoivent à Fontainebleau, L'art de vivre sous le Second Empire, 2011
© madd Bordeaux - F. Griffon
decorative arts

Napoléon et Eugénie reçoivent à Fontainebleau

L'art de vivre sous le Second Empire

Languages French 
Published 2011
Category Exhibition Catalogue
Topics Napoléon III (1808-1873), Impératrice Eugénie (1826-1920), France, Second Empire, XIXth century

Publication supervisor
Musée des Arts décoratifs

Bernadette de Boysson
Xavier Salmon
Vincent Cochet
Nicolas Personne
Catherine Le Taillandier de Gabory
Dominique Dussol
Jacques Sargos
Vincent Droguet


By Alain Juppé and Jean-François Hebert

By Bernadette de Boysson and Vicent Cochet

The backstage at fontainebleau. The service of the palace and the stays organisation
By Vincent Cochet

Castle life. Being invited to Fontainebleau during the Second Empire
By Nicolas Personne

Eugénie, Marie-Antoinette and Fontainebleau
By Xavier Salmon

The Prince President Louis Napoleon on campaign in Bordeaux
By Catherine Le Taillandier de Gabory

The "Rothschield Taste" in the Médoc during the Second Empire.
By Bernadette de Boysson

Imperial residences on the Basque Coast and in the Pyrenees
By Dominique Dussol

The regenerator of the Landes
By Jacques Sargos

By Vincent Cochet, Vincent Droguet and Bernadette de Boysson

Pages 191
Dimensions 25 cm
Binding Paperback
ISBN 978-2-87844-155-0
Publisher Dijon, Éditions Faton

Available for consultation

Price €40,00