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Nanda Vigo, the inner space

Exhbition presented from July 7, 2022 to January 8, 2023

Language(s) French / English
Published 2022
Category Exhibition catalogue
Topics Design

Publication supervisor
Constance Rubini assisted by Victoire Brun

Graphic design
Twice Studio

Views of the exhibition
Valérie Sadoun


Pierre Hurmic, mayor of Bordeaux

Nanda Vigo, outside the artistic box
Marion Vignal

Nanda Vigo and the ZERO movement
Rebecca Welkens

What world did Nanda Vigo live in?
Marco Meneguzzo

The client, the architect and the insect
Constance Rubini

Living with Nanda Vigo
Justine Despretz

Nanda Vigo and Angelo Lelii: An exceptional relationship
Alessandro Padoan

Material for reflection
Bérengère Bussioz

Nanda Vigo, the Inner Space
Victoire Brun

Exhibition views

Photographs by Valérie Sadoun

Works presented in the exhibition

Maps and caption

Nanda Vigo, biography

Non-exhaustive bibliography


Pages 128 p.
Dimensions 21 x 25 cm
Binding glued together sewed square
ISBN 978-23766-6071-2
Publisher Paris, Editions Norma

This book is published with the support of the Fonds d’Initiatives Lafite.

Price : 29,00€
Order online or by email

Also on sale in bookshops and on the Editions Norma website