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museum of decorative Arts and Design

musée des Arts décoratifs
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33000 Bordeaux

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Couverture du catalogue<br/> &copy; madd-bordeaux
Couverture du catalogue

As movable as butterflies - Les chochin du Japon

Exhibition from January 31st to May 19th, 2019

Language(s) français / anglais
Published 2019
Category catalogue d'exposition
Topics Design

Publication supervisor
Étienne Tornier, curator in charge of 19th-21st century collection, musée des Arts décoratifs et du Design, Bordeaux

With the contributions of
Dr. Anne Gossot, University professor, University Bordeaux Montaigne - Clare (EA 4593)
Dr. Damien Kunik, University of Geneva, Department of East Asian Studies
Constance Rubini, Director of the musée des Arts décoratifs et du Design, Bordeaux
Étienne Tornier, curator in charge of 19th-21st century collection, musée des Arts décoratifs et du Design, Bordeaux

Graphic design
Sandrine Nugue


By Alain Juppé

They still sparkle
By Etienne Tornier

• Fireflies in the night. Notes on the history of paper lanterns

A place of memory in chiaroscuro
By Damien Kunik

• From bamboo and paper: the manufacture of chochin

Towards permanent daylight. The gas, oil and electricity revolution
By Anne Gossot

• Birth of Akari

Paper lamps in Saint-Germain-des-prés

By Constance Rubini

Variations around the chochin
By Etienne Tornier

Pages 72 p.
Dimensions 20,5 x 32 cm
Binding spiral
ISBN 979-10-96865-01-7
Copublisher Paris, Editions Norma

Prix de vente : 18,00€
Commande : madd[at]

On sale at the museum, in bookstores and online.