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museum of decorative Arts and Design

musée des Arts décoratifs
et du Design de Bordeaux
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39 rue Bouffard,
33000 Bordeaux

The museum is closed but the activity continues. Follow the museum's team during the works.

▲ The madd-bordeaux starts its metamorphosis in 2023▲
During its closure, from 2023 to 2025, the museum offers a rich program in the city and online

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 Assiette, manufacture des Terres de Bordes, Bordeaux, 1787-1790, porcelaine <br/> &copy; madd-bordeaux – L. Gauthier
Assiette, manufacture des Terres de Bordes, Bordeaux, 1787-1790, porcelaine
©madd-bordeaux – L. Gauthier
decorative arts, exhibition

At a collector’s table - History of Bordeaux porcelain

from 15.12.2020
at 11:00 AM
to 03.05.2021
at 6:00 PM

The madd-bordeaux is closed for a few weeks.

The Musée des Arts décoratifs et du Design de Bordeaux keeps up its cycle of invitations to a collector. This year, it hosts an amateur’s rich collection of Bordeaux porcelain in the Hôtel de Lalande.

The exhibition comes back to the ephemeral but incredibly fertile history of the Terres de Bordes manufactory. Despite a very short lifespan - and an even shorter production period - the Terres de Bordes manufactory, founded by the Verneuilh family in 1781, produced thousands of pieces, whose colourful and fanciful decorations embellished the Bordeaux tables on the eve of the French Revolution.

The exhibition highlights the formal and aesthetic proximity that exists between the Bordeaux factory and other factories that flourished in France and Europe in the second half of the 18th century. It will thus casts a new light on some pieces previously attributed to Bordeaux.

This event is also an opportunity to come back to the arts of the table during this period: what where the French customs? What did Bordeaux nobility use to eat and how? More broadly, what these practices say about the aristocracy and the merchant bourgeoisie of the time?


  • Guided tours

Through nearly 300 pieces of porcelain from Bordeaux and other manufacturers, as well as 18th century cooking books and archives, the exhibition comes back to this Bordeaux epiphenomenon, which reflects the passion of the 18th century nobility for the “white gold” and the pleasures of food.

Entrance to the museum + 1 € - Free for Friends of the museum

  • Meeting around the "Factory of an exhibition"

Meeting in two voices with Camille Jolin, curator of the exhibition and Giuseppina Ferrara, manager of works and restorer of porcelain, share their experience in the service of the madd-bordeaux collections: scientific research, selection of works, restoration of pieces, scenography, synthesis etc… in the style of an investigation behind the scenes of the exhibition.

Free access upon registration, within the limit of the number of places available, at

More information about the exhibition
