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museum of decorative Arts and Design

musée des Arts décoratifs
et du Design de Bordeaux
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39 rue Bouffard,
33000 Bordeaux

The museum is closed but the activity continues. Follow the museum's team during the works.

▲ The madd-bordeaux starts its metamorphosis in 2023▲
During its closure, from 2023 to 2025, the museum offers a rich program in the city and online

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Sputnik decanter, Vincent Poujardieu<br/> &copy; madd Bordeaux - L. Gauthier
Sputnik decanter, Vincent Poujardieu
©madd Bordeaux - L. Gauthier
object n°39

Sputnik decanter, Vincent Poujardieu

Gift of the Bordeaux Friends of Vincent Poujardieu, 2011 - Inv 2011.2.2

This decanter, a formal evocation of the famous Russian satellite that marked the beginning of the conquest of space, is a glass prototype blown in the old glassworks of Bègles. Its shape is characterized by a curved body which allows both to contain the wine in the lower part and to aerate it in the upper chamber...

object n°39 (pdf)

previous objects of the month

object n°16
Gift of the Viscount of Pelleport-Burète, 1927 - Inv 1085
object n°15
Gift of Eulalie Gouzenne, 1959 - Inv 59.7.3
object n°14
Gift of the Association of Friends of the Hôtel de Lalande, 1991 - Inv 91.2.6
object n°13
Purchase from the City of Bordeaux, 1975 - Inv 75.3.10
object n°12
Purchase from the City of Bordeaux, 1958 - Inv 58.1.11 350
object n°11
Purchase from the City of Bordeaux, 1959 - Inv 59.3.1
object n°10
Fnac deposit, 2009 - Inv D 2009.3.6
object n°09
Purchase from the City of Bordeaux, 1986 - Inv 86.3.1 & 86.3.2
object n°08
Gift of Viscount and Viscountess Alain de Baritault du Carpia, 2012 - Inv 2012.5.1 & 2012.5.2
object n°07
XVIIth century
object n°06
object n°05
XVIIe siècle
object n°04
Legs d'André Lataillade, 1969 - Inv 69.3.198 & 69.3.199
object n°01
CAPC depot