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museum of decorative Arts and Design

musée des Arts décoratifs
et du Design de Bordeaux
contact us

39 rue Bouffard,
33000 Bordeaux

The museum is closed but the activity continues. Follow the museum's team during the works.

▲ The madd-bordeaux starts its metamorphosis in 2023▲
During its closure, from 2023 to 2025, the museum offers a rich program in the city and online

More informations

Chair _One, 2004, Konstantin Grcic, Munich<br/> &copy;  madd Bordeaux - L. Gauthier
Chair _One, 2004, Konstantin Grcic, Munich
© madd Bordeaux - L. Gauthier
object n°02

One_chair by Konstantin Grcic


In 2000, Konstantin Grcic was approached by Eugenio Perazza, the CEO and founder of Magis, a publishing company located about 30 km north of Venice. The company specialises in the production of plastic furniture. At the beginning of the new millennium, however, this material is less attractive, because of its association with poor design and the growing environmentalist movement in this field. Perrazza asked Konstantin Grcic to think about creating a range of cast aluminium furniture. The designer had never worked with this material before, but the challenge suited him...

object n°02 (pdf)

previous objects of the month

object n°16
Gift of the Viscount of Pelleport-Burète, 1927 - Inv 1085
object n°15
Gift of Eulalie Gouzenne, 1959 - Inv 59.7.3
object n°14
Gift of the Association of Friends of the Hôtel de Lalande, 1991 - Inv 91.2.6
object n°13
Purchase from the City of Bordeaux, 1975 - Inv 75.3.10
object n°12
Purchase from the City of Bordeaux, 1958 - Inv 58.1.11 350
object n°11
Purchase from the City of Bordeaux, 1959 - Inv 59.3.1
object n°10
Fnac deposit, 2009 - Inv D 2009.3.6
object n°09
Purchase from the City of Bordeaux, 1986 - Inv 86.3.1 & 86.3.2
object n°08
Gift of Viscount and Viscountess Alain de Baritault du Carpia, 2012 - Inv 2012.5.1 & 2012.5.2
object n°07
XVIIth century
object n°06
object n°05
XVIIe siècle
object n°04
Legs d'André Lataillade, 1969 - Inv 69.3.198 & 69.3.199
object n°01
CAPC depot