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Musee des Arts decoratifs et du Design de Bordeaux

musée des Arts décoratifs
et du Design de Bordeaux
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39 rue Bouffard,
33000 Bordeaux
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Le musée est fermé mais l'activité continue. Suivez l'équipe du musée pendant les travaux.

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Pendant sa fermeture, le musée propose une riche programmation dans la ville et en ligne.

Plus d'infos

Recherche pour the Duc of Bordeaux

À propos de la recherche

Résultats de la recherche

  1. Le duc de Bordeaux

    Le duc de Bordeaux … Foreword Preface Catalogue :   The royal family Birth and childhood of the Duke of Bordeaux, 1820-1830 The Revolution, exile …

  2. A passion for liberty. From the enlightenment to romantism - The Louvre Museum in Bordeaux

    A passion for liberty. From the enlightenment to romantism - The Louvre Museum in … Duc de Bordeaux, manufacture royale de Sèvres, 1827, … 18/06/2019 - 00:00 As part of the  Bordeaux 2019 Liberty! cultural season,  the

  3. A passion for liberty. From the enlightenment to romantism

    A passion for liberty. From the enlightenment to romantism … Duc de Bordeaux, manufacture royale de Sèvres, 1827, … works –paintings, sculptures, decorative arts and works of graphic art-produced for the most part during the 18th …

  4. The Jeanvrot collections

    The Jeanvrot collections … Room dedicated to the Duchess of Angouleme, Hôtel de Lalande … Duc de Bordeaux, Royal Manufacture of Sèvres, 1827 …

  5. The 17th and 18th century collections

    The 17th and 18th century collections … Guillaume Ducoing, Bordeaux, 1725-1730, silver, gift of the Association des Amis de l'hôtel de Lalande (inv. … Manufactory Queen's Manufactory Manufacture du Duc d'Angoulême Manufacture Nast Frères Manufacture …

  6. Raymond Jeanvrot

    the madd-bordeaux Raymond Jeanvrot A native of Bordeaux, Raymond Jeanvrot (1886-1966) was an avid … period, especially the Duchesse de Berry and the Duc de Bordeaux. In 1958 he sold his unique collection …