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museum of decorative Arts and Design

musée des Arts décoratifs
et du Design de Bordeaux
contact us

39 rue Bouffard,
33000 Bordeaux

The museum is closed but the activity continues. Follow the museum's team during the works.

▲ The madd-bordeaux starts its metamorphosis in 2023▲
During its closure, from 2023 to 2025, the museum offers a rich program in the city and online

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  1. beyond infinity

    … & CNAP design beyond infinity Graphic design cycle #3 19.05.2016 … by the  Friends of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design . Membership to the  Friends of the museum  …

  2. behond infinity, meeting with Sébastien Morlighem

    design behond infinity, … Graphic design cycle #1 31.03.2016 … by the  Friends of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design . Membership to the  Friends of the museum  …

  3. Fanette Mellier & the Frac Aquitaine

    … Mellier design Fanette Mellier & … Cycle design graphique #2 … by the  Friends of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design . Membership to the  Friends of the museum  …

  4. meeting with Octave de Gaulle

    … Escher design meeting with … Spatial design issues 14.01.2016 … by the  Friends of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design . Membership to the  Friends of the museum  …

  5. meeting with Sebastian Bergne

    … Bergne design meeting with … Bergne Food design cycle #1 19.01.2017 … by the  Friends of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design . Membership to the  Friends of the museum  …

  6. meeting with Dominique Brechoteau

    design meeting with … When the design inspire the comics illustrators … by the  Friends of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design . Membership to the  Friends of the museum  …

  7. meeting with the graphic designer Franck Tallon

    … Tallon design meeting with the … Tallon Cycle design graphique #1 … by the  Friends of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design . Membership to the  Friends of the museum  …

  8. Houselife

    … Houselife, La collection design et arts décoratifs du CNAP au musée des Arts décoratifs et du Design de Bordeaux, 2016 © … Griffon design Houselife …

  9. Rencontre avec Octave de Gaulle

    … Escher design Rencontre avec … Les enjeux du design spatial 14.01.2016 … dans le cycle d'invitations aux jeunes diplômés en design par lequel le musée affirme son soutien à la …

  10. Oh couleurs !

    design Oh couleurs ! Le design au prisme de la couleur 29.06.2017 … 3 décembre Le musée des Arts décoratifs et du Design organise du 29 juin au 3 décembre une exposition …