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museum of decorative Arts and Design

musée des Arts décoratifs
et du Design de Bordeaux
contact us

39 rue Bouffard,
33000 Bordeaux

The museum is closed but the activity continues. Follow the museum's team during the works.

▲ The madd-bordeaux starts its metamorphosis in 2023▲
During its closure, from 2023 to 2025, the museum offers a rich program in the city and online

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  1. The excavation of the former manufacture Jules Vieillard & Cie site

    … Ibeas decorative arts The excavation of …

  2. Enamels from Limoges

    decorative arts Enamels from …

  3. the 18th century faïence in the collections of the madd-bordeaux

    decorative arts, madd's thursdays …

  4. Visit in the collection : Coffee pot and hot drinks

    decorative arts Visit in the …

  5. L'histoire se met à table

    … Figaro decorative arts L'histoire se met …

  6. The manufacture des Gobelins with Arnauld Brejon de Lavergnée

    decorative arts, madd's thursdays …

  7. The Palazzo Butera. Meeting with Claudio Gulli, art historian.

    decorative arts The Palazzo Butera. …

  8. The Delft faience

    decorative arts The Delft faience …

  9. Farmer designers, agriculture on the move

    … Rubini Exhibition curator and director of the museum of decorative Arts and Design, Bordeaux Graphic design Clément …

  10. J. Vieillard & Cie, Éclectisme et japonisme

    … Griffon decorative arts J. Vieillard & Cie, …