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museum of decorative Arts and Design

musée des Arts décoratifs
et du Design de Bordeaux
contact us

39 rue Bouffard,
33000 Bordeaux

The museum is closed but the activity continues. Follow the museum's team during the works.

▲ The madd-bordeaux starts its metamorphosis in 2023▲
During its closure, from 2023 to 2025, the museum offers a rich program in the city and online

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Search for glassware

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Search results

  1. Domestic and Ceremonial Glassware from the Renaissance to the XIXth Century

    Domestic and Ceremonial Glassware from the Renaissance to the XIXth Century … Domestic and Ceremonial Glassware from the Renaissance to the XIXth Century, … Domestic and Ceremonial Glassware from the Renaissance to the XIXth Century …

  2. "Matière à poésie"

    …  1998 Category  Exhibition catalogue Topics   Glassware Publication supervisor Musée des …

  3. The collection

    … 35,000 pieces: furniture, ceramics, silverware, glassware, textiles, musical and measuring instruments, …

  4. Friends of the Museum

    … include 35,000 works of various kinds: furniture, ceramics, glassware and prints, plus the archives, as well as antique …

  5. The 17th and 18th century collections

    … the Compagnie des Indes), as well as European ceremonial glassware. The museum also holds numerous objects …